Thu 09 Jan
: CALL *-:¦:-* YOUR NEW *-:¦:-* ADDICTION*¨¨* BIG -:¦:- BOOTY-:¦:- GODDESS - 26
(Tulsa, Tulsa in/outcall)
~~ exotic ~ sexy ~ hott ~ ~ very ~ open~ minded ~~ Lilly ~ call 918-829-7667 - 24
(tulsa & surrounding)
★ ToP NoTcH!! ★ SeXy & SW££T b A r B i E ★ {(ExPeRiEnCe ThE BeST!)} ★ - 22
(San Fernando Valley, STUDIO CITY.Burbank. SFV.Sherman Oaks)
Kinky redhead available today for select gentleman. Dont miss out! Fufilling Fantasies all day! - 28
(Houston, 249 & Beltway 8)
Giving You Something You Can Really Feel. Sweet, Sexy, Petite CMT & Tantalizing Upscale Company - 26
(Lubbock, Your Place)
The happiest place in the world 281/Bitters Airport area Let me show you a wonderful time - 37
(San Antonio, North of the airport)
SxY LatINas ** hOt * * EuPoRiC * MeZOrIIzING*** REadY For AcTiON MexIcAn MeltDown - 32
(San Antonio, San Antonio, TX)
-:¦:- -:¦:- -:¦:- -:¦:- T O P ♥ NOTCH :¦:- -:¦:- -:¦:- -:¦:- - in/OUT - 21
(San Antonio, i10 & HUEBNER)
☆•*¨ 🌸 ¨*• ☆ NEW SEXY PICS! ☆•*¨ 🌸 ¨*• ☆ PERFECT PLAYMATE ☆•*¨ 🌸 ¨*• ☆ LEAVING AT 10PM! ☆•*¨ 🌸 ¨*• ☆ - 23
(San Antonio, Medical Center I-10)
Wed 08 Jan
Sexy College Girl, Polite and Discreet - 19
(Daytona, In town, Orlando, Space Coast, Treasure Coast)
~~~ Just Say No to Chicken Heads ~~~ SeXXy Redhead (Well Reviewed!!!) ~~~ Incall $pecial$ ~~~~ - 31
(Oklahoma City, I-240 and I-35 area (South OKC))
MORE NEW PICS Start your week out RIGHT! Spend some time with KELLY HOTT EXPERIENCED MATURE - 50
(tulsa & surrounding)
Sexy Blonde Bombshell, Hot 34c-24-34 Body! Great reviews! - 34
(San Antonio, French Quarter, Downtown NOLA)
READY ..S_M_O_K_I_N _ ! H_O_T_T * _⎷ ⎛ ( OnE __ Of __ a _ KiND ) {100%Real} - 25 - 25
EXOTIC Filipina FIRECRACKER ~*~*~*~* OUTCALL 180 FLAT RATE *~*~*~*~*100% REAL PICS & Independent! - 25
(San Antonio...BOOK ME NOW for SPECIALS!)
~*~BBW~*~it's A Dirty Job, but Someone has to Do It.... I do It Well... - 35
(San Antonio, 410 / Marbach area)
_+ A +__ M_U_S_T_ •-:¦:-•__ S_E_E_ •-:¦:-• SiMpLy AMAZING** ( ( K_i_L_L_e_R ™ B_o_D_Y ) ) - 24
(San Antonio, 410/airport area)
New In town ❤.•* BIG B✪✪TY *•.❤* ▒▓♥•♥•♥• SEXXII ★FrEaKy •♥•♥•♥Vegas Finest ▓▒ * ❤.• - 27
(Salt Lake City, West Valley City Sexi Incall Only)
~Southern Pleasures ~ SeXxY Body Rubs in the Nude ... 561-634-5224 . . . outcall only ..
(Treasure Coast, Stuart, Jupiter, St. Lucie West, Jensen)
——— V!S!T!NG ———— ஐ ———— E X O T I C ——— SPECIAL ——— ஐ ———— ஐ Asian——— ஐ———— BABE————— - - - - - - 20
(ELMSFORD //// First day in town, Westchester)
▃▃▃▃▃❤▃▃▃▃▃HOT ASIAN ▃▃▃▃▃▃❤▃▃▃▃▃▃ NEW GIRL ▃▃▃▃▃▃❤▃▃▃▃▃▃ JUST ARRIVED ▃❤▃▃ NO 1 ASIAN ▃▃❤Super Sexy - 21
Kelly Ready 2 Meet outcalls Only .... Super Sexy .... Double Ds ... Get ready for Tonight - 23
(Oklahoma City, EDMONDS , OKC , SHAWnee)
SeXxY EXxOtiC BaBe ❤ I CaN Be YoUr #1 ❤ SwEeT N ClAsSy ❤ SpEciALs! OutCall n InCall - - 23
Are you looking for something with no strings attached!!?? - 23
(Abilene, Amarillo, El Paso, Lubbock, Midland / Odessa, Donetska)
###_ BEAUTIFUL _ Thai - GiRL __ - ANGEL ~_ **FOR _ UR _ PLEASURE ** - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks-/ 101 & 405 Fwy)
❤•*¨¨*• ♥CurVy & Sexy♥Smooth Lips &Tight; Grips♥♡♥♥Great Specials♥♥INCALL - 28
(Downtown, Hollywood, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Northridge, SFV/Incall Only, San Fernando Valley, Westside)
######### Outcall Only &*&*&* Natural Busty Hong Kong Julie *&*&*& Call Me 210-858-6160 $#$#^###### - 21
(Downtown, Outcall Only, San Antonio)
★===== =====♥ SeXy & PeTiTe BruNnEttE ♥==== =====★ 100% REAL PIC - 19
(35 & Division Upscale Incall Location)
Set out for what you really seek.... Not another meal we settle for! Be fulfilled!!! - 24
(San Antonio, no restrictions)